Very good website about the wartburg.
Allen macdonald <>
k1z 8m1 Ottawa, Ontario (ON) Canada - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 04:49:17 (CEST)
Hejsa jeg er blevet en glad ejer af en wartburg model 353w limusine det er en 1990 model jeg
kunne godt tænke mig at vide om der er nogen
klub for denne dejlig bil her i landet da jeg gerne
vil vide lidt mere om den.
m.v.h TOm
Tom Trædmark Jensen <>
4520 Svinninge, [Andet] Danmark - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 00:38:50 (CEST)
Hello Wartburg fans!
I'm a proud owner of a Wartbug 1000 "Limousine de Luxe" 1965. I like to contact other fans of Wartburg.
Please send me e-mails with photos.
Many kind regards,
Henk Hulsink
Henk Hulsink <>
Holland - Saturday, May 27, 2000 at 18:10:09 (CEST)
Very good page. Does anyone how to get the shop manuals for wartburg? Thanks.
Alejandro Fernández de Armaño <>
Soria, Sp SPAIN - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 09:04:13 (CET)
what a fantastic idea to make a wartburg-site!!! okay, goodbye
yuri barends <>
the hague, holland - Tuesday, December 07, 1999 at 13:48:00 (CET)
beagle <>
Middletown, NY USA - Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 17:05:07 (CEST)
thank you for this very good styled homepage
nex <@>
berlin, - Friday, May 21, 1999 at 18:20:41 (CEST)
Wartburg T-Shirts!Wir haben richtig tolle T-Shirts die mit farbigen Wartburgmotiven (zum Teil auch aus den Originalprospekten)und Motiven anderer DDR-Fahrzeuge - Trabant, DKW, Simson, MZ - bedruckt sind im Angebot. Einfach eine Mail senden und es gibt einen kleinen Katalog. der letzte VEB... Versandhandel Exquisit Bremen (VEB)
Versandhandel Exquisit Bremen (VEB) <>
- Tuesday, May 04, 1999 at 18:10:35 (CEST)
Jeg har en god ven, som skal giftes 13. maj, og som ville elske at have en "affære" med en Wartburg inden da. Er der nogen, der vil udleje deres bil (m/u fører) til dette formål? Dato: 8. maj, tid: ca. kl. 12-16, sted: Århus. Svar på Venlig hilsen Peter Ole Jensen.
Peter Ole Jensen <>
Aarhus, Danmark - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 11:22:31 (CEST)
Jag har en Wartburg 1000 -62.Hälsn.Joakim
Joakim Eklaas <>
Stockholm, se Sverige - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 12:21:16 (CET)
Jeg er en ung mand på 19 der er den lykkelige ejer af en Wartburg 353W pick-up, det er min første bil og det er dejligt at kunne dele interessen med andre
Benjamin Nielsen <@>
- Wednesday, March 17, 1999 at 19:22:05 (CET)
Great web site. I have 14 Wartburgs from '58 - '60 here in the USA. I am always in need of parts if anyone knows of any for sale please contact me.
riverside, ca USA - Sunday, January 10, 1999 at 05:19:10 (MET)
realy a nice page ,as a wartburg collector,I feel at home :-)))
bijlaard <@>
gelderl., netherlands - Sunday, November 29, 1998 at 21:28:06 (MET)
I think your site is great. I was wondering if you could tell me of some sites where Ican advertise my 1960 Wartburg 311 for sale.Maybe you know of someone in the United Stateslooking for one. I would appreciate your help.Thanks,Kevin
Kevin Card <>
Syracuse, NY United States - Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 00:38:56 (MET)
thank you for the pictures of the fifties cars. i am awaiting the arrival of the minichamps model of the wartburg. i own a 1956 lloyd alexander kombi.
robert sexton <@rsexton>
st. helena, ca usa 94574 - Monday, November 16, 1998 at 08:40:10 (MET)
Very nice page....
C J Tempest <>
USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 06:05:34 (MET DST)
Bragende flot & informativ Wartburg side bliv endelig ved. Jeg har forresten selv en Wartburg 353W sedan fra 1987.
Stefan Jensen <>
Danmark - Wednesday, September 09, 1998 at 12:03:20 (MET DST)
Gratulerer med ny, flott side.Gleder meg å se 340-en på din side.Har ikke sett alt, og etter å ha skrevet dette, skal jeg lese "Factory history"HilsenKjell-Ivar
Kjell-Ivar Søreng <>
Grimstad, N Norge - Wednesday, July 22, 1998 at 23:36:55 (MET DST)
Ryko HOOgland <>
Rotterdam, ZH Netherlands - Friday, May 22, 1998 at 18:34:07 (MET DST)
We lived in Heddisheim Germany for 3 years. We were also in the military. I shipped a 1968 Trabant here about 10 years ago. It is in good condition. My Great father had a museum in Denmark and my grandfather and granmom moved to Nebraska from there. To save you anymore boaring details I am interested in my heritage etc.Andy Jenen
Andy & Denise Jensen <>
Jefferson, Ga usa - Friday, April 24, 1998 at 02:54:53 (MET DST)
Vad skulle livet vara utan "warren". En pålitlig och billig bil.
Johannes hautamäki <>
Kyrkslätt, Finland - Tuesday, April 21, 1998 at 12:18:19 (MET DST)
Nice site. I am a retired USAF NCO and I was stationed over 7 years in Germany so the Wartburgis not unknown to me. I was stationed in Berlinas an airtraffic controller from 1968 to 1971 andremember a little of the Wartburgs from there. I was originally trying to find a relativewho was born in Dronninglund 6 April 1867 butI do not know the correct spelling of the name, Sorensen,Sorenson or Soerensen, I am going to try to find the record from when he recieved his US citizenship. Nice talking to you. ken
ken humphrey <>
Lake Park, Ia USA - Monday, April 06, 1998 at 06:06:38 (MET DST)
I think your site is cool! I am also a Wartburg entusiast
Roger A <>
Vasa, Finland - Sunday, September 28, 1997 at 14:02:17 (MET)
Hello, we have a large number of Wartburg 353 modell cars, manufactured in the former "DDR" before 1989.
Many different colours and even rare modells. ("Feuerwehr", "Deutsche Post")
Also other East German models, especially Trucks. We are looking for a sales partner.
J. Herbst <>
Muenster, D 48073 - Tuesday, July 15, 1997 at 14:20:37 (MET DST)
Excuse me this question is in Enlish
First let me introduce myself:
Hello I'm Morris,
I've got a question for you,
Dear ...
Last night, something terrible happened, my dear wartburg dyed. We drove through a mass of water and somehow the engine drunk the water. What I think is that the cylinders are broken anyway. My opinion is that the engine is totally fucked.
The reason I'm e-mailing you is because of some different reasons. I've got some questions about the Wartburg and I just can't find them.
I will give you some information,
My wartburg is from 1989, type 1.3
Bauart: vierzylinder ottomotor
First of all, I've been told my wartburg is equiped with a VW (volkswagen) motor plus kat. I myself think it's a motor from the polo line. I'm looking for mechanical books about this type of wartburg. I also want to know all the types of engines I can put in. For example is it possible to put a diesel engine in the car.
Addresses of wartburg clubs.
Any information about Wartburgs.
Please Help ME!!
P.S. You are always welcome to visit me, and eat my delicious Indian Curry's.
Wartburg, 'cause there's only one.
Bye the way it's hard for me to understand your language.
Greetings Maurice
Morrisman <>
Netherlands, Danmark - Saturday, June 14, 1997 at 22:23:52 (MET DST)
For all Wartburg fans check put my page and enjoy
Carsten Schroetter <>
Danmark - Friday, June 13, 1997 at 22:07:54 (MET DST)
VIGO, PONTEVDRA ESPAÑA - Thursday, June 12, 1997 at 18:46:09 (MET DST)